April 2014

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Make sense of its not

Sometimes we stop for a moment and we wonder how to move , how to give a chance to chance.

Perhaps the most direct easiest way would be to give in advance , meaning to our steps, that we do. Every day.

Each one has its own way to question and act. There are currently no user miracle job.

For some , reading is first , ask questions second front is to live and be able to sense its not . To Gregory the Great, one of the four Fathers of the Western Church with St. Ambrose , St. Augustine and St. Jerome ,

"Writing increases with those who read it . " The reading thus opens paths of life.

For others, it comes from rubbing directly to life, to things. This is the case of Médhy Attar graduated from UCL in physiotherapy , which has turned his passion for the grandiose nature, a trade - nature guide and mountain guide - and tells it in books .

Ladrière Jean (1921-2007) tells the magazine " Leuven " in February 2002 that it is " the experience of opacity " of the world in which he lived , which led him to seek to understand , to make a " working critical clarification of thought forms , modes of conceptualization and validation procedures . " . This is how he became a philosopher and professor of philosophy of science and language.

What is certain is that all have dared. Because they had faith. Martin Luther King, "having faith is mounting the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase . "

That's all the good we wish you this month in April 2014 to one and all .

And also , good Easter.

Ricardo Heredia